Automated Hybrid AD User Provisioning

Cayosoft Administrator automates and simplifies user provisioning for Active Directory, Azure AD, and Office 365. In this short video, you’ll see how to:

  • Easily create & manage hybrid AD users
  • Automate hybrid user provisioning & deprovisioning
  • Ensure compliance & remove human-error

Check out these relevant resources.

On-Demand Webinar

Secure and Simplify Hybrid AD and Office 365 User Provisioning

Learn how to overcome the challenges of hybrid user account management and efficiently secure your vital Microsoft platforms.
Case Study

Citrus Health Improves IT Efficiency and Maintains Compliance

“At this point, it is hard to imagine our work without Cayosoft. Cayosoft Administrator made it possible for entry level staff to do a job that once required senior level IT resources.”

Top 5 Hybrid Office 365 Management and Administration Mistakes

Learn to get the most from Office 365 and your hybrid environment without compromising organizational security and creating compliance risk or jeopardizing the sanity of the IT team.