Microsoft Teams Management
Secure and Streamline Microsoft Teams Management
Microsoft Teams provides flexibility and reconfigurable integration with SharePoint and Office 365 groups, which can also make Microsoft Teams management complex and time-consuming. While the benefits of Microsoft Teams for collaboration are clear, it’s difficult for IT and service owners to manage the sprawl, including lifecycle provisioning, security, and compliance.
Cayosoft Administrator brings advanced Teams administration with delegation, automatically updated groups/Teams membership, telephony management, and policy assignment control.
Capabilities for the Ideal Microsoft Teams Management Solution
Microsoft Teams has become a mission-critical service. Unfortunately, the wide-open management style Microsoft provides does not offer the control needed to keep IT secure and collaboration available for users.
Enterprise-Level Control for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft does not provide strict delegation over Teams management, which can lead to security and availability issues for this critical communications tool. Cayosoft Administrator’s enterprise delegation brings administrative control to the chaos of Microsoft Teams management with enterprise-level security delegation, automated membership updates, and enterprise visibility of Microsoft Teams.
Automatically and Dynamically Update Teams Memberships
Natively managing Teams memberships means you must go to each individual Team to make changes. Cayosoft automates the adding and removing of Teams members through an easy-to-use set of rules that can be triggered by events like user provisioning or user deprovisioning. As users join, change roles, or depart, their Teams are automatically and dynamically kept accurate.
Automated Number Assignment for Microsoft Calling Plans
Microsoft Calling Plans do not provide automated assignment of phone numbers and calling policies. Cayosoft provides complete automation for the assignment of licensing, phone numbers and appropriate calling policies. No scripts required! This saves time and provides uninterrupted service for your users.
Complete Direct Routing Phone Number Management
Managing the pool of phone numbers from your third-party telephone service provider (PSTN provider) and assigning those in Teams is complex because Microsoft provides no native management for these. Cayosoft manages the available phone numbers, reclaims numbers when users leave, automatically assigns the correct license, assigns the next available phone number, and assigns Teams user policies required for Direct Routing like the Teams voice-routing policy.
Monitor Changes and Recover Teams Settings and Policies
Microsoft provides no change monitoring for critical Teams settings and policies, yet the wrong changes to Teams can cause loss of chat data and availability problems for end users. Cayosoft change monitoring for Teams settings and policies keeps administrators aware of issues that can impact Teams availability, helping to meet service-level expectations and keep users productive. When an undesired change is detected, Cayosoft can alert and roll back those changes immediately, preventing them from impacting end users.
Enterprise Visibility and Reporting
Gain enterprise visibility of Microsoft Teams, including teams that were created, current Teams settings, Teams usage statistics, and empty ownership and membership. Report on all assigned phone numbers associated with Microsoft Teams and be alerted when available numbers are below a certain threshold.
Quickly Respond to Compliance Requests
Cayosoft provides a comprehensive inventory of your Teams environment, making it easier to analyze for potential optimization, restructure, or to satisfy enterprise security admins or compliance auditors with Microsoft Teams reporting requests.
User Certification of Teams with Archive of Obsolete Teams
Quickly scan all Microsoft Teams to find and report on little-used or unused teams. Service owners may also elect to ask Team owners to certify that the Teams membership is correct and verify that the team is still needed.
Is your organization using Skype? Learn more about the capabilities Cayosoft offers for Microsoft Skype server user management.
Check out these relevant resources.
Demo Short
Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Phone Number (DID) Pool Management
Cayosoft Administrator selects unused phone numbers from the pool of numbers provided by a telco vendor and assigns those numbers to Microsoft Teams users to support Microsoft Teams Direct Routing.
Solution Brief
Microsoft Teams Management
Cayosoft brings administrative control and security to the chaos of Microsoft Teams management. With Cayosoft automation is simple, saving you time and providing uninterrupted service for your users.
Join Microsoft MVP and Microsoft 365 expert Joel Oleson and Cayosoft founder and hybrid management expert Robert Bobel for key insights to help you navigate the chaos of Microsoft Teams.