

How to Copy the Office 365 Signature to Outlook Client

Last month I blogged about how our Admin Assistant product automatically creates Office 365 Signature blocks using company information stored in either Active Directory or in Office 365. This post shows how end-users can get the same signature from Office 365 into their Outlook 2013 in two steps. There are

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Cayosoft Admin Assistant 2.7 Released

Cayosoft – Press Release                 For Immediate Release Media Contact: Information +1 614-423-6718 Download this Press Release   Cayosoft Admin Assistant 2.7 Released Simplified Administration for Active Directory and Office 365   COLUMBUS, OHIO April 3rd, 2014 – Cayosoft has announced the release of Cayosoft Admin Assistant™ version 2.7. With simplified

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Admin Assistant product review earns Gold Award

Admin Assistant product review brings Gold Award to Cayosoft Cayosoft’s Admin Assistant was reviewed by Brien Posey on and received their Gold award. Posey is an MCSE and a Microsoft MVP. Brien has written over 4,000 technical articles and authored or contributed to more than 27 books. “I found

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How to bulk create Office 365 E-mail Signature Blocks

The simple and affordable way to standardize e-mail signatures The video shown in this post will explain how to bulk create Office 365 e-mail signature blocks for your office 365 users automatically. If you really want to know why Signature Blocks are useful, read the entire post. If you understand

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Office 365 Identity in hybrid Office 365 deployments

Paul Andrew, author for one of the new Office 365 blogs, describeds how customers can use 3rd party vendors for user federation in hybrid Office 365 deployments. A big focus here is how Microsoft is streamlining certification of vendors who wish to deliver 3rd party federated identity providers. Current providers

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Cayosoft Administrator Product Review Check out the review that Brian Seltzer of did of Admin Assistant the flagship module in Cayo Administrator. Brian’s IT experience and incite led him to correctly pointed out the products key features of both automating day-to-day administration but also unifying a Hybrid IT environment. Check out

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Cayo Administrator Suite 1.5 Released

Cayo Software – Press Release                                                                                                                                              For Immediate Release Media Contact: Information +1 614-423-6718 Download this Release Cayo Administrator™ 1.5 Released Simplifying Hybrid Management in an increasingly disconnected world COLUMBUS, OHIO November 19th, 2013 – Cayo Software has announced the release of Cayo Administrator, which automates and unifies administration of Active

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Thanking Veterans for their Service

As one of the few American owned and operated Active Directory Management companies – we have the unique privilege of being protected by U.S. service men and woman operating here and abroad. From the Cayosoft team – Thank you for your service and for your dedication to our Freedom! Cayosoft

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Active Directory Best Practice Avoid Reversible Encryption

Just say no to Storing Passwords with Reversible Encryption There are several dozen settings settings within Active Directory that if used can weaken security and open your environment to the threat of compromise. The Store password using reversible encryption option is one of those settings. Normally when a password is

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Disable Active Directory Group

How to disable Active Directory Groups The ability to an Disable Active Directory Group is completely missing from Active Directory. Cayosoft’s Free Suspend Tool will allow effectively disable AD groups. “Disabling” groups is preferable to deleting the group because the group SID (Security ID) is retained for auditing and management purposes,

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Cayosoft Suspend Product Review on

Cayosoft Suspend Product Review See the new product review of Cayo | Suspend for Active Directory on the web site. The review clearly and concisely covers many of the use cases that make Cayo Suspend a stellar product! Thanks 4Sysops!!! Read the review here

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Cayo Suspend Review on ITAdminTools

Cayosoft Suspend Product Review on ITAdminTools See what Brian Seltzer says about Cayo Software in his product review of Cayosoft Suspend for Active Directory on his web site. In this review Brian correctly points out that Cayosoft Suspend can be used both to Provision and Deprovision Active Directory Users and Groups. Read

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Cayo l Policy Manager™ 1.0 Released

Cayo | Software – Press Release For Immediate Release Media Contact: Information +1 614-423-6718  2013-07-8 Press-Release Cayo Policy Manager.pdf Cayo l Policy Manager™ 1.0 Released COLUMBUS, OHIO June 21st, 2013 – Cayo l Software announced the release of Cayo l Policy Manager for Active Directory (AD). Policy Manager provides IT

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